I was a lot like most young girls my age, I loved playing dress-up, accessorizing my Barbie dolls and hanging out with my friends, but one thing set me apart from my peers and I loved to do it more than anything in the world!
Want to know what it was? I LOVED to tidy our house. See, unlike my friends and siblings, when I got home from school I didn’t run to the fridge to grab an after-school snack or ask my mom when I could go play at my friend’s house…Oh no. The very first thing I would do after getting home from school was spend as much time necessary to straighten every surface of our home until it looked perfect.
My parents admired the way I could straighten up an entire room in a matter of seconds. It was like a game to me and sometimes I would even look at the clock and time myself to see how quickly I could move from one room to the next making it as pristine as possible. It was as if I transfigured myself into a whirling tornado, picking up any item I could find in my path that didn’t belong on the floor or counter-top…which happened to be just about everything.
In fact, I couldn’t stand seeing anything on the desk, kitchen counters or floors. While my parents often appreciated my desire to have our home always looking orderly, I did not really create any sort of order, just the appearance of it.
In fact, I got the knick-name “Stuffing Queen” from my family because I would “stuff” stacks of mail, paperwork, toys, blankets, shoes, you name it; into random desk drawers, cabinets, or shoved underneath sofas and into baskets.; all in my attempt to make the house look pretty. I’ll admit, I had the most patient parents in the world, especially after them having to pay several late fees on bills due to my “stuffing” episodes and countless inquiries asking me, “Katie, Where on earth did you put….” Fortunately for everyone, I grew out of my “stuffing” phase.
Now, twenty years later, I find myself a married woman of fourteen years with four young children in tow ranging from 10-3 years old. While I have had years of experience raising my children and trying to upkeep my household, I always felt so exhausted from it all and like most young moms, I’d feel exasperated and frustrated with the constant messes and stuff everywhere. It was a battle I was losing every single day. I knew deep down that there had to be a better way to enjoy raising a family, while still maintaining the orderly, clean home I always desired to have….and there was.
In the summer of 2017 I listened to the audiobook, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying” by Marie Kondo. That book sparked something within me and my understanding and application of home organization completely change. Kondo’s book took home organization to the next level and I learned masterful skills that would shape my home life and personal life forever. In fact, since the day I finished her book and completed the tidying process in my own home and with my family’s involvement, I have never had to re-organize my home, again. You heard it right, NEVER re-organize again. In fact, I relate so much to Marie Kondo’s way of thinking that I’ve now claimed her as my “Japanese Twin-Sister!”
Likewise, in that same year I began doing some self-coaching work to help me understand and process my thoughts and actions more effectively. I gained extensive knowledge and training in self-coaching work through Master Life Coach, Jody Moore who taught me ways to not only understand my thoughts more clearly, but be able to mentally work through the challenges that come and actually change the way my brain thinks; resulting in immense self-discovery and personal confidence.
I also gained extensive training and became a Certified Professional Organizer and Home Stager through the reputable QC Design School in 2018.
The combination of all the skills, training, knowledge, and experience I’ve gained helped me develop what I now call, Simply Home.
Simply Home was an inspired idea that came to me as I spent time teaching and helping friends, family and community members create simple homes of order, peace and joy. I realized that most families I would meet, whether they were ones raising young children or empty-nesters, desired to have their homes more simplified, organized and orderly, but didn’t know how to start or what steps to take. Simply Home is my way of reaching out, teaching others, giving hope and encouragement to families looking for a way to better their home and family life.
Simply Home is created for all those who are ready to take on that change and embrace the journey to make it happen. These are real changes that last and are not just temporary fixes. The peace and order we’re all looking for in our homes is right around the corner.
This is my passion. This is my joy. This is my life.
Join me in Simply Home and I promise your life and the lives of your family will change, for the better.
Simply Home… Simple Changes for a Better Life.
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