A few years ago, we had a neighbor who lived across the street and each year she would put on a huge yard sale. It was always on the same weekend every year and I was always in awe at how much stuff she’d lay out on the lawn and in her driveway. She made a fortune off those yard sales and usually sold the majority of her items. Like clockwork, year after year, there she would be putting up her yard sale signs and laying items out on her lawn. One day I asked her what caused this yearly yard sale ritual, she replied, “Oh, I’m just like everyone else…I collect too much stuff throughout the year, then need to purge and clean out the house each spring. I just like doing it on the same day each year so it becomes a part of my routine.”
While I am a promoter of creating good routines and habits in our lives, I am not however a fan of “purging” our homes with yearly spring cleaning and annual yard sale rituals…. Why, you might ask? Because, just like putting our bodies on a diet after eating too many holiday treats, we are putting our house on a quick “diet’ when we purge items after collecting stuff all year round. Remember, I am a believer that you can go through a massive organization process one time for your home and never have to do it again; if and only if you do it the right way and make sure that you maintain what comes in and out of your home.
Now, I am certainly not saying that those who put on yard sales or try to sell some of their home items is bad. In fact, I love to sell things that I no longer have need, want or use for in my home, but the key here is that it is not a tradition of just collecting stuff year round and then putting your house on a quick “diet” by trying to get rid of everything in one fell swoop. When you really organize your home through the steps I teach, you will not be collecting all year and you will not be panicking when spring hits. Your home will have exactly what it needs and every item in your home will serve a purpose. If an item breaks, is no longer loved, wanted, needed or useful, you can simply donate it, sell it or throw it away. It will not be stacked in the “for sale” pile. The item will be dealt with immediately and without hesitation.
Spring cleaning is an old tradition that began after long, hard winters and women would deep clean their homes. Today, it has become a term most often used for “getting rid of things.” Most people when they hear spring cleaning don’t actually think of scrubbing baseboards, but rather think of big boxes and garbage bags full of stuff that we’re trying to get rid of. Much like what most of us witness after the winter season is over and having every fitness gym full of people wanting to get back in shape after succumbing to all the holiday foods. Spring hits and we are trying to purge the junk and get back to eating healthy and working out.
Isn’t it funny that this same habit we do to our bodies correlates just as strongly to what we do each spring to our homes? We frantically run through our houses throwing any items we don’t want or are sick of into the trash bag or yard sale box. We promise ourselves and swear to our family that never again will we allow the house to get so cluttered and full of stuff, just as we swear to ourselves that next year we’ll eat better and exercise each day.
I am a human, and just like any average human out there, I can fall trap to those same habits of “collecting” and “purging,” but like all good, lasting habits such as daily exercise and conscientiously eating good, healthy foods for our body; we can be more conscientious about our homes and what we put in them. Are the items we are bringing into our home things we truly love, need or want? If not, don’t bring them into your home, just as any nutritionist would say to not put the junk food into your body.
Can it be more challenging to do things this way? Perhaps in the beginning as we develop these patterns and habits for our homes, it may feel more difficult, but in the long haul, just as we would say for our bodies, it will be worth it. I mean who wouldn’t want an organized home for life? I’d say the same for a healthy, fit body. So, bring on the spring cleaning and yard sales knowing that for you, you’re not going on the “diet” like everyone else. Your change is not a yearly tradition that lasts for only a short period of time. The changes you are making are forever. Your home will not be put on a diet, but will be a place full of stability and consistency. Real change becomes a part of your life and how you do things. So, toss the yard sale signs and don’t join in the spring-cleaning fad, but join me as we step beyond old traditions and into a better reality.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section][et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.25.4″ custom_padding=”50px||0px|||” global_module=”3148″ saved_tabs=”all”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.2.2″ max_width=”900px” module_alignment=”center”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.25.4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.2.2″ text_font=”||||||||” header_font=”||||||||”]
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