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Writer's pictureKatie Frantz

Top 5 Closet Maintenance Tips

Don’t be fooled with their simplicity. When done consistently, these tips are what make the difference from an organized closet to a chaotic mess. 

FAV Closet Maintenance Tips!

#1 ALWAYS USE MATCHING HANGERS! If you want to see a drastic change in your closet, start with matching hangers. Toss those mismatched hangers and create a cohesive look and feel by having all your clothing hung on matching hangers. Plus, did you know your clothes look better when you do this?

#2 STORE BY COLOR  When it comes to organizing, there’s nothing better than storing your clothing by color. Just think how fun it is to walk into your closet with a rainbow of colors waiting for you to wear! Not only does it give a lovely look, but allows your brain to pick clothes easily. And did I mention what a breeze it is to maintain? You know right where everything belongs purely by it’s color. 

#3 ROLL or KONDO FOLD JEANS Unless you have a huge closet, there’s no need to hang your jeans. A simple roll or Kondo fold are just what your jeans need for convenient storage and simplicity. I also love to place my jeans from lightest color on the left to darkest color to the right. Jeans can be stored nicely in an open bin, or on a shelf, or tucked nicely in a dresser drawer. The key is to avoid too much stacking and the inevitable mess that comes when trying to pull a pair of jeans from the bottom of the stack.

Check out how to do the Kondo fold HERE!

#4 DON’T HANG T’s There’s no need to take up valuable hanging space in your closet when you can simply fold your cotton tees. Folding them takes very little space and when using the Kondo fold, you’d be amazed how many t’s you can store in a bin or dresser drawer. Leave the hanging to the dresses, blazers, blouses and dress pants.

#5 YING-YANG YOUR SHOES Lastly, shoes can take up a lot of space in your closet, but when stored on a shelf or shoe rack, you can maximize that space by storing your shoes in a ‘ying-yang’ fashion, with one shoe facing north and the other south. Believe it or not, using this ‘ying-yang’ shoe method saves a lot more space in your closet.

And remember, when keeping a tidy closet, always use logic and convenience as your guide.

That’s what will take your closet from grim to glorious!

-Katie  Owner/Certified Professional Organizer Your Simply Home LLC.


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