It happens to the best of us! After cleaning up all the wrapping paper and bows, eating through the rest of the holiday cookie plates, and trying to get your house back in order…what on earth do we do with all this extra stuff?!
Tidy Tips for the Christmas Aftermath
1) Take a Breath- As much as we want to get everything cleaned up and back in its place, it really is okay to let the toys stay out and allow your kiddos to play, play, play during their Christmas break. It’s their vacation….and yours too. So give your home some space and let loose for a few days. If you need to, designate a laundry basket to each child to keep their Christmas loot for a few days until you have time to organize it.
2) Re-Evaluate and Replace- Too often we add more and more to our clutter, without taking-away. Christmas time is a perfect opportunity to re-evaluate what you own and want to keep. What items can be replaced with your new gift items? Got a new pair of shoes? Toss your old ones. New toy? Donate an older, unused toy for your new one.
3) Use your Logic- Avoid just throwing new items into closets and drawers. Ask yourself if it makes sense to place that item there and why? It’s usually not a question of needing more storage space, it’s more a question of what can be discarded.
4) Give it Time- If your kids are like mine, some gifts are not meant to stay. Some are used and enjoyed on a temporary basis and mainly enjoyed during Christmas break. Pay attention to how often that item is used/played with. If you notice it not being loved or needed, don’t hesitate to let it go. Even if it was just bought. If it’s not fulfilling it’s purpose, it’s not worth taking up space in your home.
5) Capture the Decor- Before tossing all the holiday decorations back in the box, take a quick photo of your decorations while it’s out and place the photos in the bin or in a ‘Christmas decor’ file folder on your computer. That way, when you decorate next season, you’ll have those pictures to reference to; making holiday decorating so simple and easy. PS- If you didn’t use certain decorations this Christmas, chances are you won’t next. So, let it go before storing it back in the box.
Let the holidays be merry and ‘LIGHT’ by letting go of the excess and embracing all the fun new items Christmas brings!
-Katie Your Simply Home LLC.